Chapter V
Making and enactment of laws
Section 77.- Laws shall originate in either House of Congress,
through bills introduced by their members or by the Executive Power,
save for the exceptions established in this Constitution.
Bills modifying the electoral system and that of political parties shall be approved by the absolute majority of all the members of the Houses.
Section 78.- When a bill is passed by the House in which it originated, it is sent to the other House for its debate. Once approved by both, it is sent to the Executive Power of the Nation for its examination; and if it is also approved, it shall become a law.
Section 79.- After the general approval of a bill, each House is empowered to delegate to its committees the detailed approval of said bill with the absolute majority vote of its members. With equal number of votes, the House may revoke the powers delegated and return to the ordinary procedure. The committee approval shall require the vote of the absolute majority of all its members. Once the bill is approved by the committee, the ordinary procedures shall be followed.
Section 80.- Any bill not returned within ten working days is to be considered approved by the Executive Power. When a bill is partially rejected, the remaining part shall not be approved. However, non-vetoed parts may only be promulgated if they have normative autonomy and if their partial approval does not alter the spirit or the unity of the bill approved by Congress. In this case, the procedure foreseen for decrees of necessity and urgency shall be applicable.
Section 81.- No bill wholly rejected by either House shall be reintroduced in the legislative session of the same year. No House shall totally reject a bill originated in it and later added or amended by the revising House. If the bill were subject to additions and amendments by the revising House, the result of the voting shall be made known in order to state if such additions or amendments were made by the absolute majority or by two-thirds of the members present. With the absolute majority of its members present, the originating House shall approve the bill with the additions or amendments made or insist on the original text, unless the additions or amendments were made by the revising House with two-thirds of those members present. In such a case, the bill shall be sent to the Executive Power with the additions or amendments of the revising House, unless the originating House were to insist on the original text with the vote of two-thirds of the members present. The originating House shall not include new additions or amendments to those already made by the revising House.
Section 82.- The will of each House shall be expressly stated; the tacit or fictitious approval is excluded in all cases.
Section 83.- If a bill is totally or partially rejected by the Executive Power, it shall return with the objections to the originating House; the latter shall reconsider it and if it is confirmed by a majority of two-thirds of the votes, it shall be sent again to the revising House. If both Houses approve it by such majority, the bill becomes a law and is sent to the Executive Power for promulgation. In all such cases the voting in both Houses shall be by roll call, by yeas and nays; and both the names and grounds of the voters, as well as the objections of the Executive Power shall be immediately published by the press. If the Houses differ as to the objections, the bill cannot be reintroduced in the legislative session of that year.
Section 84.- In the enactment of laws the following formula shall be used: The Senate and House of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, in Congress assembled, decree or enact as law.