Second Part: Authorities of the Nation
Chapter VI
General Auditing Office of the Nation
Section 85.- The Legislative Power is exclusively empowered
to exercise the external control of the national civil service as
regards its estates and its economic, financial and operative aspects.
The revision and opinion of the Legislative Power about the performance and the general situation of the national civil service are to be based on the reports of the General Auditing Office of the Nation.
This technical advisory body of Congress with functional autonomy, shall be made up as established by the law regulating its creation and operation, which shall be approved by the absolute majority of the members of each House. The chairman of the body shall be appointed under the proposal of the Opposition with the largest number of legislators in Congress.
It shall be in charge of the control of the legal aspects, management and auditing of all the activities of the centralized and decentralized civil service, whatever its forms of organization may be, as well as of other powers granted by law. It must take part in the approval or rejection of the revenue and investment accounts of public funds.